Don’t Blow ‘Yo Ego

This may be one of the most ego-centric and inflating posts I’ll write, but I do not care. This post is for entertainment and advice's sake. Do what you want with it.

I am not a doctor or a shrink. I have no idea what I’m talking about.

BUT. I do have the courage to speak out on this tricky topic.

And that sentence above is my whole point. Embracing a kind, yet, bold persona has paid off incredibly for me.

It took me a long time to grow into who I am today, and I am so lucky of who I decided I wanted to be. I’m not anything. I’m just Ty.

Motivations, goals, dreams, and role models are some of the most, if not, the most important things you should have in life.

Growing up I gravitated toward creative stuff because I liked that junk. I made my wacky artwork to reflect my way of thinking. Big colors and crazy characters are what I embraced because it’s how I like to express myself. Maybe you’ve seen my TikTok or Youtube videos. Comparably it’s all very similar.

Ok, deep breath.

Putting yourself on a pedestal and constantly improving your craft will allow you to infinitely soar to new heights. Of course, it isn’t easy to pull a “new you” out of your ass. It takes work, diligence, and full commitment.

We maybe get one life, so make the most of it, and don’t look back. It is literally impossible to change the past.

That being said; be true to yourself. Do not front. “Fronting” is a synonym for “being fake”. By the way, if you go around calling others fake it only amplifies your own insecurities. If you have a problem, address it or forget it dude.

Remember kids: do not give a fuck about what others think of you. Just be the best you can be.

It’s your call. Don’t try to muddle the lines between what you want to be and what you want people to see you as. Everyone’s got different perspectives anyway, so there’s no way you can expect to be a perfect ______.

Whether it’s being a funny guy or a super serious, smarty pants. Don't hesitate on a good thought or silly remark just because it breaks your typical character. It’s not like somebody’s taking notes or holding rules against your head like a loaded cannon.

“Carpe Diem.”

Seize the day. In whatever way you want.

Embrace true feelings. Just be an awesome and kind person. If that’s hard, then just be honest. Think out loud. Again, everyone has different perspectives on shit.

Nobody is watching you, but yourself (and maybe a big man upstairs). Though that is subjective. Shoot man none of us know!

If anyone’s gonna bring you down, it’ll be you.

This is all a mindset.

Overall, just be a good person. Hold no malice or regret in your heart. Love your fellow man. Like people for being people. Not for their politics, not for their class. Open yourself up to everyone.

I went to shake hands with a blind person. It’s the thought that counts.

For yourself, you don’t even need to set the bar high. Start small. If your goal is to be more social, then go to the freaking grocery store, library, bar, whatever, and strike up a convo with some Joe about what bar soap you enjoy or what movie you thought was terrible.

I’m gonna make a post about small talk soon and I’ll list plenty of icebreakers for you. Small talk builds conversational habits.

Go all out! Don’t follow crowds just because it “works” or because you want to fit in. Embrace your own identity and own it. It can be as easy as stealing inspiration and spinning it into your own awesome image.

Again I need to reiterate; I AM NOT A WIZARD OR LICENSED DOC. At the end of the day the only person that’s truly gonna be there for you, is YOU.

Don’t give a damn about anything or anyone’s opinions. Sure you can still have your own, but honestly, who cares what anyone else thinks anyway? My website is for laughs and a bunch of bologna.

Positivity spreads like wildfire. If I did have to stress anything it’s to remember to be lighthearted, fair, and friendly.

Maybe chill on the constant swiping and scrolling for a while. Your phone does not define you. Reflect. Develop ideas that get others thinking.

Be nice. Dream big. Be you.

Ty Steinbrunner

Hello! This is Ty!

I like to write outrageous stories, spew art, and create miscellaneous whatnots. Share my junk or suffer my wrath!

“The Super Wheels Super Tournament” - A Satirical, Short Story


“‘Nanners” - A Satirical, Short Story