April Showers, Brings you Flowers, (If You Let Them)

Today as I was taking the garbage out, I gazed into the beautiful Colorado countryside. I tossed my heavy goods into the industrial bin and clapped my hands.

When I got home my apartment building smelled exactly like my Grandma’s house does on a warm Indiana day. That made me think of past Easter dinners when all my family used to come together and celebrate.

It smells like genuine springtime most days here. I don’t know exactly what it is, but it’s gotta be somebodies flowers or maybe it’s just my association with something very nostalgic. My brother agrees with me though. This brought us some happy memories.

It’s usually hit or miss with Aprils in Colorado.

Lately, I’ve been super reflective on a lot of stuff. Some stuff I shouldn’t be stressing about. I want to start easing up again. Balancing work and school is no easy task as I’m sure a lot of us can agree. I remember one of my original mental mottos that honestly helped me relax.

“No when. No want. No worry."

Pretty much this means don’t bind yourself to burdens or bad energy. Woah, I just got spiritual. In all seriousness, it’s a simple reminder to follow and maybe to remind yourself when experiencing stress.

No when: Never an occasion, you cannot predict/change the future. Present moment.

No want: Don’t desire too much, take what you need and own it.

No worry: Free your mind of negative thoughts, take your time, and do your best.

Now let’s come back to our lovely conversation about flowers and birds and nice weather.

In my previous post, I mentioned a love for the ball. Basketball rocks my socks off. I can’t wait to hit the courts again with better weather. No more shitty wind and snow.

Currently, I am bombarded with assignments and schoolwork. School and my job have undoubtedly stressed me out. This is going to be a month for me to refocus.

This April I want to get back to my carefree attitude. So, I’m gonna keep writing funny stuff, keep on crushing school, prep my next painting, and stay sweating in the gym.

I’m ready to dedicate myself again. Hibernation is over! New horizons!

(P.S. It’s time for me to get the beach bod. Fast.)

Ty Steinbrunner

Hello! This is Ty!

I like to write outrageous stories, spew art, and create miscellaneous whatnots. Share my junk or suffer my wrath!


“‘Nanners” - A Satirical, Short Story


“Grandpappy Tells a Tale” - A Satirical, Short Story