A Self-Reflection on Patience

I think it’s time I reel it back a notch and start talking about serious stuff only. From here on out, every post will be purely business-related content. I’m talking SERIOUS business only.

“I hope you're happy. I never thought I’d be here today… writing on a blog… sipping cappuccinos… and well, sharing legitimate business advice for people to go and then apply to their feeble, unprofessional lives. Now, my life is all about being a powerful, S-ranked mogul. Listen to me. Downsize the Ferguson branch, sell, buy, sell, sell and please have my assistant sharpen my pencil. Thank you.”

Alright, I think it’s all out of my system.

Tonight I want to talk about a serious topic and a life skill known as patience.

Here are some examples of when patience is super important to maintain:

  • At the dentist and you gotta keep your mouth open (I know its tempting to bite but please control yourself)

  • Uber rides by yourself

  • Senior shopping mornings but you didn’t know

  • When you’re at your little brother’s basketball game

  • Driving in the car (Please.)

  • Super long, boring class lectures about horrific wars

  • Waiting to pee in a concert bathroom

  • When you hold the door for someone, but they’re kinda far away, so now they’re fast walking or breaking into a small dash to reach you, and you’re just standing there awkwardly holding the door realizing it probably would’ve been easier to just proceed with yourself, but now it’s too late.

  • When you make baked potatoes

Now, these are only a VERY SELECT FEW situations I could think of. But don’t fret! Patience is something that anyone can master.

Everybody is in a rush because we all want to achieve the best outcome right now. We want it now! The problem that arises is we develop shortcuts in our routines and eventually begin selling ourselves short.

I like to take a step back and reflect on my present situation. Now to be able to successfully examine yourself, you gotta make sure you are already in a position where you're satisfied with yourself.

“If you can’t love yourself, nobody can love you. Start the heart.”

Maybe it’s hard to “feel emotions” or you’re actually depressed. If that’s the case, I would encourage seeking close friends or loved ones. After briefing the people you care about with what’s going on, proceed with therapy and other treatments.

Say as much or as little as you need to. There is nobody forcing you.

If you don’t have close people, find solace in the little things of life. Pretty days. Delicious food. Smiling babies. Whatever makes you smile and catches yourself thinking, “life is wonderful”. Everyone deserves to be happy, and so do you.

I am happy to be who I am today. That’s a huge thing to say because, in all honesty, I don’t think many people can agree with that. At no point has my life ever been perfect, but in those hardships, I adapted, and I can look back and say I don’t hold too many regrets in my life. With that in mind, I am still learning to let go.

Though coming back to the theme of “patience”, I feel I’m in a safe position where all I have to do is dream and work hard. I’ve kinda figured out what I love, so now I can “polish the craft”.

When I write these posts, all I try to do is focus on the thing I’m talking about. If it’s a story, I want it to be as funny as I imagined it at that current moment. If I’m just talking, I want to make it worthwhile and engaging to read.

My website isn’t supposed to be a perfect portfolio of my work. In all honesty, I’m treating all of this like practice. This website is beta as fuck.

The word “scrawl” means to write in a hurried, loopy, sporadic way. It’s also one of my favorite ways to write because it’s usually “all gas no brakes”.

I’m in a very interesting position where I have plenty of time to develop ideas and plan for exciting things. I’m in no rush. I feel like the moment I start freaking out, and start trying to do all these crazy ideas all at once, is when I start crashing and burning. So, instead, I’m gonna keep on coasting and doing what is working.

I really hope one day I can pursue something that lets me write, and enjoy writing as much as I do now.

I have to keep reminding myself that day doesn’t exist; for all I know, and for all I have is this present, current, moment.

I am blessed to be young and full of ideas. I’m gonna stir the pot, and maybe add some more vegetables. This stew is gonna be good.

Ty Steinbrunner

Hello! This is Ty!

I like to write outrageous stories, spew art, and create miscellaneous whatnots. Share my junk or suffer my wrath!


“Grandpappy Tells a Tale” - A Satirical, Short Story


“I’m In Charge” - A Satirical, Short Story